Tempeh Asian Stir-Fry

1/2 pkg Tempeh, sliced to 1/4-1/8″

Tempeh Asian Stir-Fry

Tempeh Asian Stir-Fry


2-3 Tbsp olive oil

1 Tbsp minced garlic


1 pre-made salad kit:( 1/2 cup kale, 1/4 cup shredded cabbage, 1/4 cup broccoli, 1/4 cup sliced brussel sprouts, 1/4 cup snap peas)

Asian seasoning: 1/4 cup Bragg’s liquid Aminos, 1/4 cup water


In a large skillet over high heat, brown sliced tempeh in olive oil and garlic. Add all vegetables and seasoning and cover 5-7 minutes until tender. Serve and enjoy!


Easy, easy Tempeh Asian Stir-Fry is delicious and nutritious! Quick meal to prepare and full of vegetables!


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