Fresh Peach Cobbler Pie

1 pkg pie crust (ready-made)

Fresh Peach Cobbler Pie

Fresh Peach Cobbler Pie

6 ripe peaches, sliced into 1″ pieces

3-4 Tbsp whole wheat flour

1/2 cup agave

olive oil spray

1 Tbsp Earth Balance nondairy butter


In a pie pan lightly sprayed with olive oil, unroll pie crust to the edges. Fill pie crust with fresh peaches. Drizzle 1/2 cup agave over peaches and sprinkle 3-4 Tbsp flour also.

On a cutting board, cut second pie crust into 1/2″ strips and weave as lattice on top of pie. Crimp sides of crust with a fork, then sprinkle lattice with cinnamon and butter in small spoonfuls. Wrap sides of crust with strips of aluminum foil to prevent over-browning. Bake for 1 hour at 350.


Nothing beats Fresh Peach Cobbler Pie as dessert anytime day or night! We enjoy our pie warm with non-dairy vanilla ice cream!


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